2020 Scholarship Event!

Congrats to this years scholarship winners! This years scholarship event was hosted by the UW-Platteville Students via Zoom.

Our guest speaker for the night was Bob Schiesl on the Southwest Arterial Project in Dubuque, IA.

Thanks to our guest speaker and all that attended!

Engineers Week Dinner (WSPE & ASCE)

Please join us for our annual Engineer’s Week Banquet co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers.


February 20, 2020


Greg Engle Director of Planning and Preparedness at Wisconsin Emergency Management, Director of GRIDEX V  


Five million people are without power across the Eastern United States in what is being described as a coordinated physical and cyber attack against the bulk electric power system.”   On November 13-14, Midcontinent Independent System Operators (MISO) reenacted a scenario similar to this fictional headline. Thankfully it was not real but it was part of an important biannual grid security exercise known as GridEx V. With 6,500 participants in the United States and Canada representing more than 425 organizations from across the electric power industry and federal and state governments, the exercise tested the US’s individual and collective electrical systems by bombarding the participants with a range of dramatic simulated conditions, such as fuel shortages, loss of control center functionality, physical and cyber attacks, and a compromised back office, to test its resiliency and ability to respond and recover from a severe security event.

Event Schedule  

5PM-6PM – Social

6:30PM-7:00PM – Dinner/Awards Presentation/Mathcounts (In addition, Bill Womback post humous, will receive an award)

7:00PM-8:00PM – Guest Speaker

Please click here for registration